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SATHERM: Supplier of spare parts for industrial maintenance

Your Advantages

  • The flexibility of a family business
  • More than 40 years of experience
  • Our employees speak German, French, English and Arabic
  • We can group your orders, that is to say, a single order can be made of products from various manufacturers
  • Enjoy having a unique contact partner
  • You are offered interesting prices and the best possible delivery times
  • We guarantee a double control of the merchandise (at the manufacturer's and Satherm's)
  • We can provide you with free documentation and technical documents that suit your needs
  • We deal with all customs formalities
  • We help you in emergency cases (machine downtime)

Your contact

Your answer is just one phone call away!

Boris Haaf
Branch Manager

Phone:     +49 6838 9808-46
Fax:     +49 68389808-86

Direct contact

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From the o-ring to the whole machine
One Stop Shopping: Spare parts for industrial installations

More than 16 million turnover

Since 1976

We ensure a high-quality service

Satherm GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 37
D-66793 Saarwellingen
Germany - DE

Phone:   +49 (0) 68 38 / 98 08 - 0

Opening time
Monday - Friday             07:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Copyright 2024 Satherm GmbH