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SATHERM: Supplier of spare parts for industrial maintenance

Satherm is a synonym of diversity

We regularly work with the most important stakeholders of steel, chemical industry and automobile in Europe, and even in America, Africa and Asia.


You have doubts regarding our presence in your business sector? Do not worry! We already intervene in the following sectors:

Our Clients

  • Magna
  • Montupet
  • Smart
  • ...
  Steel industry
  • ArcelorMittal
  • Ascometal
  • Dillinger
  • Maghreb Steel
  • Groupe Parsider<...

Your contact

Your answer is just one phone call away!

Boris Haaf
Branch Manager

Phone:     +49 6838 9808-46
Fax:     +49 68389808-86

Direct contact

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From the o-ring to the whole machine
One Stop Shopping: Spare parts for industrial installations

More than 16 million turnover

Since 1976

We ensure a high-quality service

Satherm GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 37
D-66793 Saarwellingen
Germany - DE

Phone:   +49 (0) 68 38 / 98 08 - 0

Opening time
Monday - Friday             07:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Copyright 2024 Satherm GmbH